
1: provBookR().browser

The provBookR package uses a browser interface for the generation of provbooks and specification of provenance operations. The browser has two interface modes: lite and full. The lite mode is intended for quick generation of provbooks, while the full mode is intended to support the exploration of the collected provenance.

1.1: Using the browser’s lite mode

# Run provBookR with lite option specified
> provBookR("prov.json", mode="lite")
variable name?:
provBookR.lite> f
Running provBookR lite for f from prov.json...
Checking file extension...
[1] "f <- function(x) {\ty <- x^2\treturn(y)}"
[2] "f"                                       
Generate a provbook for this object history? (Y/N):
provBookR> Y
provbook for variable "f" is stored in /path/to/current/working/directory

1.2: Using the browser’s full mode (quit/start)

# Run provBookR with full option specified (quit/start)
> provBookR("prov.json", mode="full")
provBookR browser initializing...
Checking file extension...
provBookR browser initialized!
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> help
provBookR operations [command][space][]:
Quit provBookR                                : "q"   
provBookR operations                          : "help"
List R objects                                : "ls"  
Show me how R object was created              : "BO"  
Show me what this R object was used to create : "AO"  
Summarize provenance                          : "S"   
Debug script                                  : "DB"  
Clean script                                  : "C"   
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> q
Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N):
provBookR> y

1.3 Using the browser’s full mode (generate provbook)

# Run provBookR with full option specified (generate provbook)
> provBookR("prov.json", mode="full")
provBookR browser initializing...
Checking file extension...
provBookR browser initialized!
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> help
provBookR operations [command][space][]:
Quit provBookR                                : "q"   
provBookR operations                          : "help"
List R objects                                : "ls"  
Show me how R object was created              : "BO"  
Show me what this R object was used to create : "AO"  
Summarize provenance                          : "S"   
Debug script                                  : "DB"  
Clean script                                  : "C"   
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> ls
[1] "f"             "a"             "b"             ""

1.3.1 Showing provenance “before object” (BO)

provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> BO f
[1] "f <- function(x) {\ty <- x^2\treturn(y)}"
[2] "f"                                       
Generate a provbook for this object history? (Y/N):
provBookR> N

1.3.2 Showing provenance “after object” (AO)

provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> AO f
[1] "b"         "b <- f(a)" "f"        
Generate a provbook for this object history? (Y/N):
provBookR> Y
Making provbook for "f" from prov.json...
provbook for variable "f" is stored in /path/to/current/working/directory
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> quit
Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N):
provBookR> Y

1.4 Using the browser’s full mode (E2E provenance)

# Run provBookR with full options specified (E2E provenance tools)
provBookR("prov.json", mode="full")
provBookR browser initializing...
Checking file extension...
provBookR browser initialized!
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> help
provBookR(operations)> [command][space][]:
Quit provBookR                                : "q"   
provBookR operations                          : "help"
List R objects                                : "ls"  
Show me how R object was created              : "BO"  
Show me what this R object was used to create : "AO"  
Summarize provenance                          : "S"   
Debug script                                  : "DB"  
Clean script                                  : "C"   
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> S
Running provSummarizeR...
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> C
Running RClean...
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> DB
Running provDebugR...
Debug> Q
Debugger initialized, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR browser running, type "help" for more information or Q to quit
provBookR> Q
Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N):
provBookR> Y